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Whether you purchase your underfloor heating components from us or others. We can fully install and or commission the system back to your heat source

With many years experience in interfacing UFH and central heating as autonomous stand alone units we can provide a one stop solution.

CCF supplies a specially selected package, containing the highest quality components for your underfloor heating project.
Underfloor heating works by pumping a controlled flow of warm water from any heat source through a multilayer pipe that has been embedded in the floor. Because the whole of the floor area is being gently heated, the floor slab acts as a large convecting storage heater, emitting a very comfortable 20 and 24°C even temperature even in the harshest of winter conditions.
Underfloor heating is an invisible and silent method of improving our level of thermal comfort. Thermal comfort can be described as the point at which the human body feels at ease and comfortable with the surrounding environment.
There are many factors that influence the way people feel the temperature, such as direct sunshine, humidity, draught and how evenly the temperature is distributed. With underfloor radiant heating the feeling of thermal comfort can be increased, as the temperature is stable and there is no draught. As well as benefiting from increased comfort and reduced running costs installing underfloor heating adds to the safety, attractiveness and value of the house itself.
Underfloor heating works by pumping a controlled flow of warm water from any heat source through a multilayer pipe that has been embedded in the floor. Because the whole of the floor area is being gently heated, the floor slab acts as a large convecting storage heater, emitting a very comfortable 20 and 24°C even temperature even in the harshest of winter conditions.

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Why Underfloor Heating?

Previously thought of as a luxury, UFH has now become a more mainstream and economical approach to heating. Developed methods, modern technology and expert, precision fitting has allowed underfloor heating (UFH) to become a go to for homes, be it new or retrospectively fitted to the home.

  • Underfloor heating provides a solution for the common concern to living in a more minimalist, economic, and environmentally considerate fashion

  • An efficient way of developing, adding value and ultimately heating the home

  • Whilst the concern of the expense that accompanies having underfloor heating was previously considered high and unavoidable, UFH typically adds value to a property, usually paying for itself within a few years.

  • Energy efficient, effortless to run, relinquishes more space, allows for design freedom, works with all floor coverings.

  • Each installation is safe, comfortable and heat consistent throughout the installation, runs at a lower temperature than radiators, yet allows for quicker, more efficient heating of a property, with a larger surface area for an ambient temperature that gentle and efficiently heats at a more comfortable rate, also meaning lower energy bills.

  • Whilst radiators generally have cold spots, UFH allows for full coverage, ultimate comfort and consistent temperature.

  • Underfloor is not only hidden, but is also discrete, all pipework is submerged into your floor and all other components discretely packed away, out of site and providing peace of mind that the fittings do not intrude into the much needed space of your home

  • Underfloor heating is proven to save energy and running costs. Energy saving from 15-40% can be achieved with radiant underfloor heating.

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